A Woodworker’s Approach to ADHD (mostly)

My wife said I should write about the most recent disaster, but no, I’m not going to describe the incident where I merely sat down on the sofa next to the bowl of popcorn and somehow it ‘exploded’ and the popcorn went, as my wife says “everywhere.” We sure had a good time trying to get it all up, not.


Don’t sit down next to popcorn?

That seems just too trivial; I want to share something profound from James Clear:

Charles Hayward, a cabinet maker and editor of The Woodworker magazine, offers some advice on how to succeed in woodworking (and in life):

“One thing is certain: that, even though the craft is a lifetime’s study, the application of a few simple principles will assuredly bring success in woodworking. In the first place, never start a job until you know precisely how you are going to do it. Pass its construction step by step through your mind, so that you may hit upon the snags and mentally smooth them out.

Don’t work hurriedly. Your very keenness may prompt you to rush, but to do so is fatal. Curb your desire to see the thing finished, and always concentrate intently upon the particular bit of the job you have in hand.

In all you do be accurate. No measurement, no cut, no squaring, should be “near enough.” It must be right. For often one inaccuracy becomes the seed of others, and reproduces trouble as the work proceeds.

Finally, don’t worry about an honest mistake. Ponder the reason for it and so learn from it. Progress at your own speed from simple job to something more difficult, but never force the pace. At the same time, be just as ambitious as your previous work warrants.”

Source: The Woodworker 

Note: This quote lightly edited for clarity.

Think about how we can apply this (it won’t be easy).



Various Articles

My Crusades

Personal Note O the Day:

My wife says that things happen when I’m around.  

Karma? Or ADHD?

About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at amazon.com (soft cover or E book), or smashwords.com (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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6 Responses to A Woodworker’s Approach to ADHD (mostly)

  1. sfmarckx says:

    The part about going over the process in your mind is linked with my ADD, along with the “in all you do be accurate” part. I’m constantly working out the details of whatever the latest project (or obsession) is to the point where I’m distracted and can’t concentrate on what I am actually supposed to be doing. Then I take the accurate part to the extreme of perfectionism and get bogged down. I think ultimately it helps my work to have the ADD, but not necessarily the business end of my work.

    Thanks for making me think with this post.
    All the best, Scott

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rammkatze says:

    This certainly explains why I’m awful at woodworking. I do none of this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Scott
    Brilliant insight! A conspiracy, and I fell into it.
    And you suggest a good strategy, too.
    as always, thank you for commenting
    best wishes


  4. sfmarckx says:

    Thank you Doug!
    Why do they make bowls for popcorn with round bottoms? It must be a conspiracy by people who want to sell us more popcorn! 😁
    Maybe the strategy could be to not place food items on the couch?
    All the best, Scott

    Liked by 1 person

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