Momma Puts ADD ADHD Strategies To Use — ADD Tip o the DAY 465

There is evidence that the ADD ADHD strategies work.  This in from Momma who had some questions:

Thank you so much for breaking down the cards/lists strategies for me. I know I asked a lot and I appreciate your taking the time to explain it all. The screen shots are so helpful, too. I understand it much better now. I’m not finished with your book yet, but the cards/lists strategies really talked to me, (I love lists), so I started using it right away. I don’t have my colored index cards yet, so I am using loose leaf paper. I must say, just seeing what I needed to do written on a piece of paper felt so good. It gave me much needed direction. I felt empowered. I started with something simple: I get up early on Sundays, so I can have some “me” time before my children wake up and before Church. During this time, I read my emails, maybe flip through a magazine, catch up on a tv show, guilty pleasure stuff. Well, usually, when I turn on my computer, I find something interesting on yahoo’s home page, then something else interesting (kind of like your Henry VIII Wives’ example). Before you know it, I have done nothing but read yahoo news that is not important , and then I am running late for church. SO, on my list I wrote: read HGTV magazine (and don’t start another magazine before you finish it), read 15 minutes of Your Life Can Be Better, find a Christmas letter from a friend (I’ve been looking through my piles since Christmas), research Hoya care, etc., AND leave plenty of time to get ready for Church. I did it all and checked off the items as I went along. And I was on time for church. No rushing out the door 1/2 ready. It felt great. My family couldn’t believe I was on time. The next day, I wrote some real to-do stuff on my paper – 5 things only – pay bills, empty suitcase, plan weekly menus, etc.) I got them all accomplished. Again, it felt great. I have decided to name my list from Sunday morning “Leisure Time” and I made another list called “Little Things to Do”. for 5-10 minute tasks. Then I will have my list of only 5 things. I am keeping some reminders where I tend to sit: “Finish one book or magazine before you start another” and “leave plenty of time to get ready”. As I said, just seeing the words seems to motivate me and keep me on track. Key for me is keeping up the momentum and the lists. Otherwise, I fall right back into getting nothing done (because it is not written down). Maybe I will make a “write your lists and cards” reminder to keep me going. Thank you for this blog and for your books. They are gifts. Momma

Note the strategies of lists, schedule, blocks of time, and the power of positive reinforcement.


more on lists 

ADD, ADHD,deficit,attention, adult ADD,adult ADHD, cards,lists, to do,to-do

The sun always come out after the storm.

About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at (soft cover or E book), or (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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7 Responses to Momma Puts ADD ADHD Strategies To Use — ADD Tip o the DAY 465

  1. homemakersdaily says:

    It’s definitely a great book. My favorite ADHD book of all time!


  2. Amy says:

    You have an incredibly informative blog here . Lots of tips and lots of helpful guidance. It seems the book has a lot of impact on the readers and their life battle. Where can i purchase it?


  3. Ana McKessy says:

    Which book should I buy to get organized — the Your Life Can be Better? or the AHDH Tips book? I would like to learn more about using note cards instead of lists, prioritizing and time managment –thanks!


    • ana – everyone is different, but i would suggest your life can be better. take it slow, see what fits for you , cant try to change too many things at once. if it works for you, then you will probably like living daily tips later on.
      delighted you asked
      best wishes


  4. Pingback: This Stuff Works!!! Strategies for Adult ADD ADHD | Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD

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