Does ADHD Medication Help With —? — ADHD Tip O the Day 909

ADHD Medication Helps with Focus, Motivation, Inertia

The medication can be a miracle for some, but it doesn’t seem to help with:


losing things



time management



Too bad; sorry.  But what it does help with is invaluable.

This is my opinion and experience.  If you have different views I would love to hear them.


Extra Note O the Day:

New research show that sleep problems are a part of ADHD, presumably sharing some of the same gene mutations and miswiring.  If we don’t sleep well, our ADHD symptoms are worse the next day, but paradoxically, it’s important not to worry about the insomnia, as that will only make it worse.  So if I don’t sleep well one night, I’ll just accept it, knowing I’ll sleep better the next night.

Bonus Links:

James Clear


Bonnie Mincu

Is your Spouse Always Late?

Book Link

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There are many alternatives to sleep.




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About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at (soft cover or E book), or (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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17 Responses to Does ADHD Medication Help With —? — ADHD Tip O the Day 909

  1. Eva from Sussex UK says:

    I loved this blog post, Doug.
    I feel less weird now. Since menapouse I completely felt apart, my brain turning to mush. I was diagnosed 5 months ago. One of the things I could not make head or tail of was that the ONLY time I could do any work was if I kept awake for the entire night. My psychiatrist, who specialised in Adult ADHD was like “Huh??” so I did not press it.
    But I can reliably show that I never slept Sun/Monday and my weekly output was always done on Mondays. The way I can describe it is that I was so tired, that inside of my head would be too exhausted to keep spinning……


    • eva
      very interesting. i dont do well if i haven’t slept but we are each unique. surely there is a biological explanation for your experience, but I have no idea what it is.
      thank you for commenting and contributing
      best wishes


  2. holdthatthought says:

    you’re 100% on-point regarding sleep. twice in my life medications have changed my life: 1) getting on the right stimulant at the right dose, and 2) getting prescribed sleeping pills that actually work without making my mornings any more miserable than they already have to be.

    i’m hoping from the research that new ADHD treatment plans are developed that also address sleep instead of just prescribing stimulants like candy


    • Rammkatze says:

      It’s funny that it works differently for people, though. My dr’s office isn’t very good protecting confidentiality (Something the patients seem to be ok with, though) so once I overheard a woman saying she needs to take her Ritalin a couple of hours before bedtime, or else she couldn’t fall asleep (much to the doctor’s surprise, who said “if that’s what works for you, do it”). I guess Ritalin before bedtime helps her head go “you can Google penguins’ knees when we wake up, now hush.”


      • holdthatthought says:

        that’s so weird

        Liked by 1 person

      • ram
        another great comment. love it.
        yes, there are so many genes involved with so many networks affected, that we can get very different clinical pictures, although we have a lot in common, and very different responses. obviously there are very many different flavors of ADHD, not just three. It’s kind of like a Chinese menu; there are so many different choices that we can all wind up with different dinners, but we are all eating Chines food.
        best wishes

        Liked by 1 person

    • dinos
      glad you found the right combos, that can take a lot of trial and error.
      did you mean stimulants or sleep meds?
      thanks for your valuable contributions


      • holdthatthought says:

        sleeping pills. it’s hard to “get it right” and not feel super groggy in the morning. even good ol’ melatonin would make me super groggy in the morning


  3. holdthatthought says:

    you know i myself have always wondered myself if penguins have knees.
    hang on.

    yes, yes, they do. thanks google


    • dinos
      thanks for the clarification. I’d never looked it up. next question: Did Adam have a navel?
      appreciate your commenting


      • holdthatthought says:

        according to Google, “Adam was molded from spit and clay and Eve from Adam’s rib. They weren’t born of woman, so how could they have navels? Yet they’d look pretty silly without them. Artists often dodged the question by extending fig leaves over the lower belly.”

        Interesting. However, another thing to consider is, if Adam was molded from the image of God…..that must mean that the big guy himself doesn’t have a navel too right?


        • dinos
          thank you for the research and the logic.
          I always appreciated your comments
          best wishes


        • rammkatze says:

          Do you have an example of Adam and Eve painting without navels i.e. with the leaf up to their abdomen? I find it intriguing. Maybe the artists just didn’t think of it.
          Maybe God did have a navel and the Illuminati hid a book called “God 1.0 – the prequel” and we missed whole chapters of God being raised by mommy and being a handful.
          (The part that starts with Illuminati is me just me being silly, by the way 😉 )


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