Do We Really Need More Controversy About ADD ADHD Benefits and Gifts? — ADD ADHD Tip O the Day 580

Aaron Smith said it very well:

  • Aaron Smith

    Aaron Smith

    ADHD Achievement Strategist & Motivational Coach

    “Like everything else in life, it’s easy to paint ADHD with a broad brush. Saying it’s “all bad” or “all good,” if only life were that simple. ADHD can be your greatest asset and your Achilles heal. It’s not an “either or” question, it’s an “and both” way of being and relating to your various contextual environments. It’s what you do with your unique mind that makes all the difference, and how you perceive yourself. If we become overly negative, we lose sight of opportunities for growth. There are always ways to harness your ADHD and cultivate greater depths of insight into your mind. Let’s support each other and offer constructive narratives, uplifting strategies, helpful tips, etc. There’s already so much negative stuff out there in society, why not instead offer solutions. For every failure or scenario where someone has given up, there’s someone who has found improbable success through dedication, perseverance, and establishing a growth mindset. We need to learn from these individuals, and understand that their successes could be your own success with the right strategies, tools, systems of support, the right outlook, self-confidence, and persistence.”

    Right on, Aaron!

    May I proffer my opinions (Again)?

    1. Maybe there isn’t really a need for controversy. Clearly, ADD ADHD provides both benefits and detriments.

    2. What is the benefit in standing around shouting about the benefits? Maybe it helps sustain morale and encourages us to make the most of our strengths?

    3.What is the benefit of sitting around moaning about our deficiencies?   None.         And beating up on ourselves is destructive.

    4. But there is also no benefit in denying them. If we acknowledge our problems, then we can address them and come up with ways to cope with them, strategies that will make our lives better.

    5. Unfortunately, for me, the benefits, such as creativity, a wide range of interests, and the ability to hyperfocus (not under my control, sadly), are often overwhelmed by the detriments, such as distractibility, difficulty setting priorities, and procrastination.

    Conclusion: How to Live Well With ADD ADHD

    So, let’s be kind to ourselves, capitalize on our abilities, acknowledge our problems, and come up with strategies for them.



    Pete Quily’s wonderful list of 151 benefits of ADHD

    link for Aaron Smith

    Previous Posts on the Controversy:


    add,adhd,adult add,adult adhd,attention deficit,strategies,gifts,benefits,controversy,hyperfocus,staying on task,distractions,procrastination, creativity,controversy, controversies
    Enjoying one of my ADD ADHD gifts!




About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at (soft cover or E book), or (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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7 Responses to Do We Really Need More Controversy About ADD ADHD Benefits and Gifts? — ADD ADHD Tip O the Day 580

  1. Pingback: ADHD is a good thing to have. Isn’t it????— ADD Tip O the Day 732 | ADDadultstrategies

  2. Lisa @ The Meaning of Me says:

    I agree that is the best approach – acknowledge the challenges and take advantage of the strengths. There are so many things that are unique about people with the ADD/ADHD mind that make us fascinating and capable and exciting. Use those things! Run with it! And the things that challenge us? Well, the only way to cope is to first acknowledge and understand them. Then, we can work on strategies to help us manage them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: An Excess of Blessings From ADD ADHD – – – ADD Tip O the Day 582 | ADDadultstrategies

  4. thank you, Scott!


  5. Scott Marckx says:

    Thank you Doug!

    This post hits the nail on the head!

    All the best,


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