ADD ADHD and Technological Challenges – – – ADD Tip O the Day 552

 The iPhone

I’m walking again for exercise, doing well. I was delighted to find that I can use my iPhone and dictate things while I’m walking! Great multitasking, conservation of time, efficiency, etc. etc. etc.

But I wish I could find a free app that lets me dictate and converts it to text and  saves it on the iPhone, even when I turn it off. I use Dragon right now and like it, but it won’t save the memos. Have to email them to myself right away. Any suggestions?

I was walking along this morning, had done a lot of dictation, and suddenly my iPhone was stuck. I kept sliding my finger at the bottom, and nothing would happen. I was  just seeing my rabbit picture and the time and date. Frustrating. What am I going to lose if I turn it fully off to reset it?  Should I just take it straight into the shop?

I can’t see real well, especially when I’m walking and wearing my sexy shades.                Took me a while to realize that I was sliding my finger in the wrong direction.

HTML Code?  Greek?  Ancient Arabic?

I probably told you that this website was named one of the top 10 ADHD websites for 2014, right? Well, with that award comes a logo  that I can put on the website if I’m not averse to showing off a little bit. They sent a note telling me  how to do that; they gave me a little HTML code to write in . Where? How? Huh?

The Booklet Proof

I got the proof of the new ADD ADHD booklet in the mail today. I was testing create space.  Looks great. Very pleased. I can use create space for my next book! A few glitches need correcting.  How do I do that?  My copy  that I sent in is in PDF form, and it won’t let me do anything. Do I have to start over from scratch to make a few corrections?

Technology is wonderful!

Isn’t it?


I need to pick one problem at a time, look it up on the net, and try to resolve it.                Call for help if I have to. Yes, that is what I need to do.

Is this what they mean by the term ” procrastination”.


Previews? Or Warnings?

1. Soon I may write a bit about Naturally Speaking, the dictation program that I’m using right now.  It’s wonderful, but – – –

2. My wife says I should blog about having too many cards in my pocket, and how I have trouble finding the one I want. Maybe – – –

3. I’m not going to even mention trying to download and install the new update to the antivirus program.


Bonus Links

from Anthony Good  on many aspects of childhood ADHD ADHD and diagnosis

Another technology whine


add,adh,adult add,adult adhd,attention,deficit,ADD and technology, technology and ADHD

Some days it does seem a little complicated

About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at (soft cover or E book), or (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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8 Responses to ADD ADHD and Technological Challenges – – – ADD Tip O the Day 552

  1. Well, all I can say is that technology is tough. I do try to figure as much out as I can on my own but I frequently ask my kids for help. They know everything.

    Do you have trouble understanding directions? I sure do. That’s why I make up my own quilt designs. I love to quilt but I can’t ever follow the directions in the patterns so I find it easier just to make up my own. No matter how hard I try, though, I still screw up something. Fortunately, since I made up the pattern, I can modify it and call it good.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Homey – do I have trouble following directions? do I have trouble following directions????
      do I have trouble following directions???!!!
      well, if I’m driving and ask for directions,they always tell me go down two blocks and then you blah blah blah blah blah blah it’s kind of pointless. unless there’s somebody else, two blocks down who can give me the next step.
      I sometimes can follow written directions. If something’s on the net, I need to print it out and then read it off paper, and sometimes do okay.
      my grandson can help. Sometimes, but he’s generally too busy, and other than that, I’m stuck.
      Oh, well.
      Thanks for commenting, as always.


  2. fishyfriday says:

    There’s an app called Walkie Textie and you basically type and the background is your feet! Because the app opens the camera and you can see where your feet are headed.

    Hope you’ll enjoy the experience.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. maggielais says:

    I would like to say that I don’t know how I missed this site, however it isn’t too tough to miss something! I am excited to find out what strategies I might find to help me out of a 15 year slump… Thanks for your thoughts

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations! You’ve worked hard & you deserve to be #1!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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