Breaks- the Good and The Bad — ADD Tip o the Day 439

Breaks are important for anyone, but especially for us with ADD or ADHD.  I wrote that they are necessary, and there is good research showing they increase productivity, but  it is a problem to not let them get out of hand. I didn’t have good strategies for controlling them, other than using a timer or getting someone else to monitor us, which may not be very effective or practical.

Abhi has a great new strategy for managing breaks.

Managing breaks:- I did manage to get back from my breaks last night. None of my breaks extended for long. This is how..

” It took me two minutes to create a playlist with three songs on it, on my phone… The first two songs 5 minutes each were something I liked. the third song, my warning bell song, was a loud stupid song. As soon as I start my break i plugged in my earphones and started listening to music, while munching on something or taking a walk. The third loud stupid song would tell me to get back to my book, and start studying again.
After forty minutes, I took a minute to edit the first two songs and was back on a break!”



There's always a way, and the sun will probably come up tomorrow.  you can bet on it.  And if you lose, then it won't matter anyway.

There’s always a way, and the sun will probably come up tomorrow. you can bet on it. And if you lose, then it won’t matter anyway.

Abhi’s story clik

Does this have anything to do with ADD or ADHD?  I don’t know, but I like it:

(please scroll down)

Cita de ayer

Donde haya un árbol que plantar, plántalo tú. Donde haya un error que enmendar, enmiéndalo tú. Donde haya un esfuerzo que todos esquivan, hazlo tú. Sé tú el que aparta la piedra del camino. (Gabriela Mistral, poeta chilena)

Where there is a tree to plant, plant it. Where there is a mistake to correct, correct it. Where there is an effort that everyone avoids, do it. You be the one who moves the stone off the path. (Gabriela Mistal, Chilean poet)

About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at (soft cover or E book), or (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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4 Responses to Breaks- the Good and The Bad — ADD Tip o the Day 439

  1. Pingback: Some Links For ADHD — ADHD Tip O the Day 956 | ADDadultstrategies

  2. homey – good strategy, and i like thw 3pm as part of a routine.
    as always, thanks for the comment. plus, the snack is supposed to help replenish willpower.


  3. homemakersdaily says:

    I take breaks and they are extremely helpful. I take a break every day around 3:00 and give myself 30 minutes. Usually I have a snack and read. If I take breaks other times during the day, I set a timer. Otherwise I’ll never get back to work, especially if I’m reading.


  4. Pingback: Reading with ADD or ADHD — ADD Tip o the Day 440 | ADDadultstrategies

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