Distracted But Bragging — ADD Tip o the day 406

I’m struggling to finish the new ADD or ADHD book but I’m distracted.  Too much going on and a couple of glitches – need to take out two weak pages and replace them with strong ones, THEN need to find Anahi’s blog and put it back in where it was deleted.  So this is a PLAN, and I need to focus on one step at a time.  Not “Finish the book”, but “Replace the weak pages”.  Strategies: small steps, action, what is the next thing?

I need to step back and look at my goals, short and long term, and then at “What am I doing?” and how do they fit together?

The book has hit 51 reviews on Amazon – 48 of them positive and 3 did not like it.  Sales are nearing 9000!  It is very gratifying to read that it is helping people with ADD, which is the point.  This is over 400 posts now, and there are lots of great comments.

Lisa’s comment’s that I posted here got a lot of response.  She is a good writer and really portrays living with ADD.

Many many thanks for the reviews and the comments and getting the book, I am very grateful.

Best wishes,

doug     add,adhd,adult add,adult adhd,attention deficit,goals,plan

Reviews clik

Interesting blog on mind mapping clik

PS I did finish the book!!!!!

Living daily With Adult ADD or ADHD;    365 Tips o the Day.

coming out “soon”.

About doug with ADHD

I am a psychiatric physician. I learned I have ADHD at age 64, and then wrote four ADHD books for adults, focusing on strategies for making your life better. I also published a novel, Alma Means Soul. The books are available at amazon.com (soft cover or E book), or smashwords.com (only E books). The prices are as low as they are allowed to be. Managing Your ADHD Your Life Can Be Better; strategies for adults with ADD/ADHD Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips O the Day ( e-book). This is one tip at a time, one page at a time, at your own pace. It's meant to last a year.
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8 Responses to Distracted But Bragging — ADD Tip o the day 406

  1. homemakersdaily says:

    Looking forward to the next book. Get on it, Doug! I need to read it ASAP. 🙂


  2. ludvigc says:

    Awesome. I am almost done writing a book myself about personal development and philosophy. But mine is going to be a free ebook, it is my first book. I assume yours was a lot harder, especially with the marketing, publishing, and all that stuff.

    Good job, it seems to me you have plenty of willpower 🙂


    • ludvigc – it may seem that i have will power, but appearances are deceptive. ok, maybe i have a little will power in small bursts, but mostly i have strategies, that gets me thru, most of the time.
      ps my e book isnt free, but it’s $1.99. good luck on your book, announce it here please when it’s out.
      thanks for your comment


  3. sierra – thanks for the support, and for comments. i will keep updating on the book, its at the formatters now.
    best wishes


  4. sierra529 says:

    Great!! Thanks for pushing through and finishing, I’m looking forward to reading it!! I too struggle with being distracted and “stuck” on a daily basis. Inspired… to go… get something done… here I go… going now… LOL


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